The Sireness

Fall deeper and deeper; the sirens are singing your song.

The Sireness

Call me Siren, The Sireness or whatever other names you may know me as! I am an adult, 20+. I use it/sie/sea pronouns.
genderqueer, agender, bigender | bi queer aroacespec
autihd | disabled | DID plural | intersex

I reclaim many slurs such as: tranny, fairy, fag, dyke, hermaphrodite, freak, crazy/insane, and psycho. So please be aware of that.

My blog will have many things people may find disturbing or gross. It will have discussions of NSFW media, porn, and similar things.


common member you may see!

♡ Vera ♡

ageless adult
genderqueer bigender
queer polyam
fem/deity terms

Will Do:

  • Anything not on my will not

  • Gore / Cannibalism

  • Snuff / Death

  • Breeding / Pregnancy

  • Vore

  • Paraphillia flags

  • Ageplay (DDLG/etc.)

Won't Do:

  • Scat

  • Terms that are pro contact paras or somehow are pro IRL contact of paras* (*paras where the attraction can not consent)

  • Send one term/flag per ask,

  • 4 flags per ask

  • if you want multiple things please send multiple asks

We Support:

  • Mspec (Bi/Pan/Omni/Ply) Lesbians, Gays and Veldians (x)

  • MOGAI, LIOM, Neopronouns, Xenogenders

  • Self Diagnosis

  • Endogenic, Non-Traumagenic, Non-DID/OSDD Systems (x) (x)

  • The word treiphobe/treiphobia, and trans mascs + those affected by treiphobia having their own word and speaking about their experiences

  • Paraphiles, Paraphilia

  • Kink

  • Fiction affects reality

  • Don't like, Don't read

We Do Not Support:

  • Trans[x]/Transabled

  • Radqueer (x)

  • Pro Contact of animals and children (animals and children can not consent!)

  • Transmeds/Truscum (x)

  • Radfems, TERFs (x)

  • Sysmeds/Anti Endos (x)

  • "Narcissistic Abuse"

  • "TMA/TME"